Cave Story Modding Wikia

To replace the existing .org files in Cave Story with new songs, you must have:

  • Resource Hacker
  • A .org file that is compatible with Cave Story (the drum tracks must be in this specific order: Bass01, Snare01, HiClose, HiOpen, Tom01, Per01, Bass01, Bass01).

Open Resource Hacker, go to File > Open, and locate the .exe of Cave Story to be modified. Once the executable has loaded, a list of folders will appear.


Expand the "ORG" folder to reveal a list of internal track names. To identify the track name, use the internal track name comparison guide. For example, to replace the First Cave theme (Gestation), find VIVI. Then expand the respective song's folder, left-click on "1041" to highlight it, right-click on "1041," and select "Replace Resource...."


Select "Open file with new resource..." and open the Cave Story-compatible .org file. In the "Resource Type" field, enter in "ORG" (case sensitive). In the "Resource Name" field, enter in the internal track name (also case sensitive). Leave the "Resource Language" field blank.


Click on "Replace," and go to File > Save to finalize the changes. A new .exe file with "_original" appended to the original executable name will be created without the changes made to serve as a backup. The .exe file that was modified will now play the .org file that was replaced in-game.

Here is a list of the song names:

0000 (none - silence)    XXXX
0001 Mischievous Robot   WANPAKU     Egg Corridor
0002 Safety              ANZEN       Various homes
0003 (no title)          GAMEOVER    Game over
0004 Gravity             GRAVITY     Boss battle
0005 On To Grasstown     WEED        Grasstown
0006 Meltdown 2          MDOWN2      Sand Zone
0007 Eyes of Flame       FIREEYE     Major boss battle
0008 Gestation           VIVI        First Cave, various small rooms
0009 Mimiga Town         MURA        Mimiga Village
0010 (no title)          FANFALE1    Get item
0011 Balrog's Theme      GINSUKE     Balrog cutscenes
0012 Cemetery            CEMETERY    Graveyard
0013 Plant               PLANT       Yamashita Farm
0014 Pulse               KODOU       Egg No. 00, Waterway Cabin, Arthur's House after Waterway
0015 (no title)          FANFALE3    Boss defeated
0016 (no title)          FANFALE2    Get life capsule
0017 Tyrant              DR          Doctor cutscenes
0018 Run!                ESCAPE      Balcony areas after boss fights
0019 Jenka 1             JENKA       Jenka's House, Labyrinth I & H (first two areas)
0020 Labyrinth Fight     MAZE        Labyrinth M (gaudi eggs)
0021 Access              ACCESS      Shelter (Kazuma on computer)
0022 Oppression          IRONH       Core battle
0023 Geothermal          GRAND       Dark Place, Core, [Main Artery?]
0024 Cave Story          CURLY       Title screen, Plantation
0025 Moonsong            OSIDE       Outer Wall
0026 Hero's End          REQUIEM     Bad ending
0027 Scorching Back      WANPAK2     Egg Corridor?
0028 Quiet               QUIET       Mimiga Village and homes after Waterway
0029 Last Cave           LASTCAVE    Last Cave
0030 Balcony             BALCONY     Balcony
0031 Charge              LASTBTL     Muscle Doctor battle
0032 Last Battle         LASTBTL3    Final battles
0033 The Way Back Home   ENDING      Credits
0034 Zombie              ZONBIE      Before Undead Core battle, after Ballos battle
0035 Break Down          BDOWN       Ending
0036 Running Hell        HELL        Sacred Grounds
0037 Jenka 2             JENKA2      Labyrinth W (main area w/shop, camp)
0038 Living Waterway     MARINE      Waterway
0039 Seal Chamber        BALLOS      Before Ballos battle
0040 Toroko's Theme      TOROKO      Title Screen - Toroko
0041 White Stone Wall    WHITE       Title Screen - King